Maryland is Seeking PPE for COVID19 Response
As the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has unfolded, health care providers, first responders and the State of Maryland have sought help to source Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to enable health care workers and essential employees to safely care for patients and perform their duties. At the same time, manufacturers have reached out to seek guidance on how they can contribute to the cause.
In support of this, we have come together to create the Maryland Manufacturing Network, a platform for SUPPLIERS to share their current resources and capabilities and for BUYERS to identify these suppliers and share their current and upcoming needs. We believe that this portal will enable the network to make the connections necessary to quickly address some of our most crucial supply chain needs.
The situation is critical and urgent, we are moving quickly and we ask your help!
https://marylandmanufacturingnetwork.com/ |
Doing Business with APG
Do you have a service or product that APG could use? Are you overwhelmed by the acronyms and processes at APG? Then Alphabet Suit will be a great starting point for you. The purpose of this booklet is to help you navigate doing business with APG. The booklet provides the basic military protocols, common acronyms and definitions, an overview of the process to start doing business with APG and a resource list to get you on the right path. The booklet was a joint venture by Harford County Office of Community and Economic Development and the Army Alliance.
https://harfordoced.readz.com/alphabet-suit.pdf |
Navy Announcing $10 Million in New Small Business
INDUSTRY FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: A $10M SBIR/STTR funding opportunity to attract new small business partners and to identify technology advancements in the areas of autonomy, artificial intelligence, microelectronics, and command and control networks will open on Sept 23rd and close on Oct 22nd. Read more here: https://www.onr.navy.mil/en/Media-Center/Press-Releases/2020/Navy-Announcing-10-Million-in-New-Small-Business-Funding-Opportunities |